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Monitor suggestions

I need some suggestions for a pair of high-quality, accurate, close-field monitors for sound-design work. By "accurate," I simply mean as faithful a reproduction of the signal as I can reasonably get. Whether that means a perfect impulse response and a phase-aligned system or whatever other design spec, I don't really know.

Console Under $15k?

O.K., so I got my MCI 2"24trk, a Pro Tools rig, about 15 or so good mics, a decent selection of outboard gear and preamps, and the last thing I need to open my place up is the console to run it all through. In keeping with my desire to run a functional mid-level studio, I've been looking at some MCI, Neotek, Amek, and Harrison consoles.

non hernia analog 2 track for classical?/my DSD experien

Hi everyone,

So does anyone have any suggestions about a non-hernia, bad ass, two track reel-to-reel for less (hopefully way less) than $14k? I was wondering what people used to use back in the day for stereo Classical recording in the field (in the days before dat)... I already have two channels of dolby SR lying around the house...