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The 2-mix buss/console question?

Originally posted by DAvid Goodermuth on another thread:

"It has been my experience that the 2-bus is a weak point in a lot of analog consoles, as well as the daw sh*t. The SSL E's and G's 2-bus totally sucked. Most quality studios using SSL's bypassed the factory 2-bus either with on-board mods, or outboard faders. The "J" seems to be better, but most of the daw's do indeed blow."

Outboard gear. syncing. soundcard questions

Thanks for the response to my previous post everyone. It looks like I will be diving in with the Paris Pro (after some rather lengthy deliberations!). In doing so, I was wondering if anyone could comment on the following:

1. In order to sync to an outboard drum machine or a Korg Triton, will I require the STC pro timecode interface module?

Intro to film sound? Anyone?

I'm doing an independent film project this spring as a freebie (cuz I'm interested in the project). The end product will be an MPEG video clip with stereo audio track. The images are a series of stills (300-400). No audio will be recorded until "post", then it'll use voice-overs, flown-in ambient sound and "foley" type fx.

Patchbay question

This may not be the most approriate forum for this question but as I have read the posts of Fletcher on RAP for a couple of years, I feel confident he will have the most concise direction.

I recently added a 2" 24 track to my studio setup that includes 32 tracks of ADAT XT as well. I currently have the ADAT I/Os and the board I/Os linked in a patchbay.