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Studio equipment maintenance in the DC area?

I have a Sountracs DPCII in my studio that needs some TLC and was wondering if anyone knew of someone qualified in the DC area to come take a look at it? There are a few faders that give me headaches sometimes and some of the line outs (could be happening at the MADI racks, patchbay, or board itself) have ceased to work reliably.

what battery 12 -18 volts to feed audio recorder

Hi, i own a fostex pd6 and need to purchase a battery system to feed it, i am uusing actually the low cost lead acid 12 volts battery, but they are heavy and have a short life, and not relialable

I have been suggested a system based on IDX with vmount and XLR 4 pin i was wondering if could find someting cheaper,
anyone of you has a similar experience?

Climate for gear?

I'm tossing around the idea of turning a small storage building I have into a home studio. It will be pretty small but I plan on making a room on one side of it and of course insulating it pretty well. My worry is the equipment sitting out in the building. I know the speakers and mic especially would take a lot of abuse in the change of the temp and humidity.

How to deal with the piercing notes that a high male tenor can produce

Hey everyone,
I have a particular song I've been working on for quite sometime, and it's actually getting to the point where this one song is holding me up from finishing an EP. The problem is that the chorus contains a few really high notes that are irritatingly piercing when I hear them through earbuds or small laptop speakers.