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UAD Roland Dimension D - the ultimate chorus? (includes sound clips)

I finished writing an article about Universal Audio's UAD Roland Dimension D chorus plugin . This one is quite straightforward to research and write about but is absolutely one of my favourite effects and is one of the few plugins that I use on every single session. I like to put it on the reverb and delay sends for some extra-lush sound.

Help with Console, card,PC setup for online "jamming"

Hello folks I need some assistance with my setup. This is one of my first post's here and am not certain that it is even prudent for me to ask for this help. If it is not please accept my apology in advance.

I play online in various jam-rooms and I do it somewhat regularly so I am really hoping someone has a solution.

Compressors and Filters (Plus a low hiss)

I have a low-end home studio that I am building (in my garage), and am looking for a decent compressor to add to my collection of equipment. Unfortunately, I am painfully ignorant when it comes to audio compression, gates, and filters. I record mostly vocals, and unfortunately my recordings are ugly uncompressed audio and has a slight hiss to it.