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crackly/shimmering sound problem

I just recently started working on this track and once I had finished the piano section, I added in some drums and a synth to beef it up a bit. It sounds fine in reaper when playing back but once I render it or bounce to disc and upload to soundcloud, the cymbals get this weird shimmering type sound happening which I don't know how to get rid of.

Which D/A: dbx386 or 828.2?

Hi all, I hope the is the right place for this question...

I have a dbx 386 connecting to a MOTU 828 Mk2 via S/PDIF. Am I better off connecting to the 828 with analog cables and thus allowing the 828 to handle the d/a conversion?

I've read that the 828 has "very nice" converters however I've not the expertise to make that judgment.

What do you folks think?

needing a home studio critique

Hi everyone, this is my first post. I tried to start recording maybe a year ago then got real busy with school and put it aside. With summer coming I'm trying to get back into it. I bought some gear on a whim last year after some quick research and now that I'm coming back to it I thought it would be good to ask you guys to review my gear.


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