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ZED R16 Analog Mixdown - How does it work?

Hey all, I'm a new owner of a Zed-R16 and one of the really cool features the mixer has is of course the analog mixdown option where you can send the tracks back from the DAW to the mixer and mix the tracks like one would on a traditional analog mixer. But what I'm having hard time understanding is how its actually done or more importantly how is the mixed signals then recorded?

CD Architect 5 opinions?

I'm getting annoyed with my CD burning freeware and looking to buy a "grownup" product. CD Architect has more than I need, but I might put out some "home mastered" disks in the future and programs like Roxio and Nero seem to be bloated with "easy to use" video editing. There were good reviews of CD Architect a few versions ago - is it still top of the heap? Anyone out there using it?


i just bought a AKG c214 mic and an Apogee Duet interface, i have followed the instructions on the CD which was install the CD, select Apogeeas input and output, connected the XLR cable from the mic to the mic input and changed the settings on logic/garaband, changed settings via system preferences >sounds. .and i am using a macbook pro but it just doesn't work what is the problem?