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Setting speaker height and EQ for a venue

I would just like to get an opinion on how different sound engineers determine the correct height for the speakers when setting up in different venues?

When a system is EQ'd before an event and the levels are adjusted for each input, how do you compensate for changes in room dynamics further into the event i.e. more people filling the room and the temperature increasing?

Upgrading my home recording equipment, Tips for keeping it cheap?

As i'm sure has been brought up here the basic Macbook which i currently use no longer has a firewire input. This is a problem i haven't had a problem with as an LE w/MBox home recording system. But now that i'm looking for work a higher level of professionalism is required in my home mixing and recording.

New to recording Jazz...suggestions?

Hey guys,
I'm new to the forum, and I predominantly record rock/metal bands but I've recently asked by an acquaintance to record is his jazz group (Instrumentation: drums, bass, piano, tenor sax).

I'm running PT 8, using an 8-pre interface and have pretty good mics, but i've been using a lot of drum replacement software thats been getting me good results

8" vs. 6"

Now i am not talking dirty... because that vote would be a very one sided. But more seriously i am buying a pair of studio monitors and find my self stuck between sizes.

The price isn't really the issue its what is best for monitoring. The room is 12'x16' i was going to get the KRK Rockit 8's but i hear that the KRK Rockit 6's are the better choice.

What would you choose?

Adding tracks from midi controller in Cubase

Is there no easy way in mapping a controller in Cubase for a 1 button press for adding a single midi track to the project?

All i seem to find is Add Track and then it pops up with how many tracks i would like to add... i can duplicate but i would like to have it just add a midi track with the next channel... anyone knows what I'm talking about?

recording voice track advice

Hello, I am not a sound engineer, I play the guitar and sing in a band and we will soon record an album (as soon as I go back to my country), there we will record it with a sound engineer, but right now I want to record an acoustic demo to send to my bandmates what I've been writing, so that when I get back it will be much easier for us to finish the songs because they will be more used to the

Free Mixtape... Possible Legal Troubles?

So I was possibly (a BIG possibly) thinking about releasing a free mixtape prior to wanting to release a EP to get a little fanbase going before I release any music that actually costs money.

Now I keep reading posts about people who don't know what they're talking about and I'm seeing different answers so I figured I would ask on here: