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Recording (live or studio)

Recording help

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Submitted by BBCG on

me and my friends are in a small band and have started to do some home recording. The gear we have is 16 input mixer, 4 dynamics, 1 condenser, 2 shotgun (used on drums), 5 drum mics, 2 guit, 1 bass. We are not short for cash but also need new cables. We would like for the drum set to make a 20-25 foot snake. This would free up the cables we need. This is my main question.

Which DAW to choose? I'm confused.

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Submitted by madrussian on

Ok, so I'm a newbie here who is very very wet behind the ears and could use some guidance. I currently own a small A/V design firm and do very well. I typically design commercial 70v audio systems and do a lot of video designs for everything from basic tv setups for bars and restaurants to high-endtele-conferencing systems for corporations.

Good gear

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Submitted by McKinnon on

Heyy guys I'm new here, but I'm in need of some help, and the forums are a great place to start! i have an old multitrack recorder which is awesome for laying stuff down just to remember them, but i need the real deal now, i have mics and stuff, but what do i need to basically have myself a studio set up, as in pro tools mixer etc. what are somethings i need to look for, and where do i start?

XLR stuck in input

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Submitted by inbloom27 on

I own a Tascam US-2000 and an XLR cord that I own is stuck in the frong XLR/Instrument combo jack. I've had several people look at it, I also took the top off and there seems to be no way to get it unstuck. The cable still works but I want it out, at this point, I don't care if I break it. Anyone have any tips? Thanks!

Upgrading my home recording equipment, Tips for keeping it cheap?

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Submitted by ProgTools on

As i'm sure has been brought up here the basic Macbook which i currently use no longer has a firewire input. This is a problem i haven't had a problem with as an LE w/MBox home recording system. But now that i'm looking for work a higher level of professionalism is required in my home mixing and recording.