Blending Blumlein and ORTF Choirs
I'm preparing my mix's for the choirs I just finished recording.
2 DPA 4011A in ORTF
1 Royer SF24 in Blumlein
1 Audix M1280 micro condenser for added detail
Any suggestions of how you blend blumlein and ORTF?
John, did I hear you right... choose which of the two that sounds (fullest, widest most detailed) and add the other to taste?
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PreSonus is going to unveil exciting new products at Musikmesse
Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 17:00
Some tricks for small ensemble recordings
I'm going to link some vids from a Canadian Brass Quintet session or two. These can help give a visual example of what one production team decides to do in a given situation. Realize that every engineer has their own pet tricks though most are highly flexible in changing to get the desired result.
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Need a new computer, want to consider my future music needs :)
I am a total newbie, so please be patient
I am an musician will-be, I am just starting to take singing classes and trying to learn music, own a piano and a guitar although for now only my 3 year old plays with them.
My current 4yr old HP laptop is dying and I need to buy new equipment anyway and I want to think ahead about having my studio at home
Sonar x1 Producer x64 [M-Audio] [Weird Latency/ Choppy Scratchy Sound] [Help Please]
Hello, I've recently purchased a copy of Cakewalk's Sonar x1 Producer Edition to try to enhance my skills and move up. Cubase 5 just seemed like it was holding my hand the whole way so instead of upgrading to Cubase 6 I went with this. Anyway My Audio Interface is a M-Audio Fast Track Ultra my operating system is Windows 7 64 Bit Home Premium and I'm having some weird latency issues.
What next
Hey everyone! I'm kinda new on this site... I did the ADL 600 contest and all that but besides that, not much. It's been great reading about the advice that people have to give.on all imaginable issues. The time's come for me to post, however. I'm starting a studio to make albums to benefit the hungry, and do whatever else I can on top of that.
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Mac Pro 4 core vs. 8 core - worth it?
I'm running an old dual 2.7 Power Mac G5 and looking to upgrade.
I'm currently running Cubase SX3 with MOTU HD192.
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Connecting a keyboard to a mixing console.
When I plug the keyboard directly into an input I get static. Even on the lowest of volume. When I connect the keyboard to a DI box and take the output of the DI into a preamp, I get little sound. I have literally tried everything. And I have run out of ideas. Help would very much be appreciated. Thanks!
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Do I need my 1202vlz3 mixer if...
Hey all,
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How to user reverb on fake double-tracking guitar
HI everyone,
This is my first question here.
I want to record heavy guitar with sm57 (very dry recording ) in front of my amp.
I will copy the original track and delay it a little bit to create a fatter tone, hard panned right/left (fake double-tracking).