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Feeding a test signal into multiple input channels

Wondering if someone has a fast easy way to get a test tone into 26 channels at the same time to test for recording dropouts and performance.

I have a ZED16R with 16 channels of ADAT running into a FF800 with the remaining 10 inputs. I have a sine wave generator for the test tone.

Peculiar buzzing/clipping on recorded guitar track

I am Micing a Fender Blues Jr. with an SM58 that's hooked into a PreSonus Studio Channel Preamp. This is output into my MOTU Ultralite mk3 which is hooked via firewire to my PC and recorded via Cubase 5 in Windows 7 64-bit. The VU meter on my pre-amp does not indicate any clipping not does the input level within cubase. The waveform does not appear to have any clipping either.

Drum heads

I have a couple of questions on drum heads. I'm not a drummer, but I own a Mapex M Birch set for the studio and I've been working on trying to get it sound as good as possible. I'm recording mostly folk, alt. country, jazz, etc. The two drummer that I am recording most have a pretty light touch - though I have a couple of heavy hitters in now and then.


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