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Problems recording on my laptop

I'm running Sonar 7 on my HP (w/ vista) and I often get audio dropouts b/c the meter labeled CPU exceeds the maximum. I tried running XP but my computer was running into too many problems so I switched back to vista. I also have 3GB of RAM, so I don't think that is the problem either. Is their anything I can do to make my laptop run without dropouts?

Hooking up Alesis ADAT to M audio Project Mix

I recently picked up an Alesis ADAT blackface to us as 8 extra inputs with my project mix using lightpipe. I used the pitch control on the ADAT to set it to 44.1. I have the lightpipe cables run properly and I tried using both the project mix and the Alesis as the sync source but I seem to be having the same problem any way I set it up.