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Volume in GarageBand is a lie?

Hey, guys.

I've been lurking for a few weeks, stealing your best informations as I find it.

However, I've run into an issue that's got me totally stumped. I'm trying to mix a song for my band (we're trying REALLY damned hard to do our recording in-house so we don't have to pay someone else to screw up what we can screw up ourselves).

PA question...

In June, we'll be playing an outdoor party of 400-500 people. I'm trying to piece together a system with various bandmembers' stuff that is punchy enough to sound clean playing blues and bluesy-rock. It doesn't have to be ear-bleeding loud, but I want it to be good-sounding. Bass guitar amped on stage and run direct, everything else (guitars, drums) mic'ed.

Removing static from guitar tracks

I have a very nice acoustic guitar track that I put down, but it has a small 1 or 2 second segment with some intermittent static (I think it came from the pickup jack).

I can easily re-record it, of course, but I'd really like to know how I can clean it up. What would be the technique for getting rid of static from a music track?
