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Newbie help with home studio

I'd like to buy some gear for a personal recording studio and I need help. My budget is $2000. I have a Korg Triton, and a MacBook Pro. I plan to buy Reasons and Nuendo because I'm a little familiar with them. I'm interested in production and recording vocals at home. I'm new to this as I have been using only my Korg to make music, but I'm trying to expand.

sonic youth-style band coming in...

I will have a Sonic Youth-type band coming in in a couple of weeks, so i'm trying to gather a little information about what was used to record at their sessions, I could only find one of the studios' name ("Murray Street", the band's own facility)but nothing particular about Micing techniques/equipment/engineers etc... also searching did not yield any results..

Mac Power Pc

Hi, I've got a little problem, my Mac g5 powerpc has 3gb in ram, 1.8 ghz dual processor and I still can't manage to make it run perfectly with my sessions. Some of them get really heavy and take my RTAS CPU usage to 95% even. Is there a way I can optimize my mac for mixing? I followed all the instructions for mac optimizing in the pro tools manual, is there anything else I can do?

Just got the AKG C414B XL11 should i update my signal chain?

So basically since i purchased this mic (in shipping) it's had me thinking about my signal chain and if
my other components will hold back quality? Signal chain right now is Shure KSM27 mic,Custom made XLR
with starquad sheilded cable with neutric XLR connectors,into MOTU 828mk2 then recorded into Logic Pro 8.0.2


I have a keyboard, that has digital out, and I wanted to plug it to my audio interface (profire 610, m audio) via the S/PDIF in, If i plug it in this way, will this work to get the sounds of my keyboard (Yamaha MO8) to play in my computer? or do I need to plug the keyboard through the 1/4 cable jacket? thanks

A Question About ADAT

If I wanted to use the Optical ADAT I/O on my audio interface for 8 extra channels of audio I/O, would I have to use a separate clock source (i.e. word clock) or will it sync on it's own. For example, if I used the Behringer Ultra gain 8-channel AD/DA would I it need to be synced with the master clock in my audio interface.

Thank you for your concern
