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ApogeeDUET / -10 vs. +4db / help, please!

I was thinking about getting an Apogee Duet, since i'm going to use it with Mac and Logic Audio.

My current set up includes four preamps: two Api 512c thru a Dav Electronics Bg.no6 stereo compressor (with balanced outputs), a Joemeek VC1qs channelstrip (with balanced output) and an UA LA610 (with balanced output). As you can see all the preamps just have balanced outputs.

Adjusting/standardizing Trim levels on Firepod

We have 3 PreSonus Firepods daisy chained together that we are using to record birds in a specially designed room for our biological research. Currently for our setup we have XLR condenser microphones that require 48V phantom power plugged into the front of the firepods and are recording 44.1 @ 24bits.

noisy recording

I've been doing home recording for a bit but my knowledge level is low. One recurring problem I have is that whenever I record using a mic (a Shure SM58) I get a lot of background hiss. I'm running the mic into an M-
Audio Fast Track Pro and then into my Dell using an older Cool Edit Pro program. In fact, I seem to get some hiss even when plugging in instruments.

One second retardation

Hello, this is my little problem, you all sure know about it: I just bought this m-audio controller and using reason I experiment a retardation of one second, I’m using a pc with enough ram (2gb) a processor of 2ghz, USB 2.0 and 200gb, so I wonder if might be the audio card that creates this "second" out of time (I guess it does) so I’m thinking about getting an external audio card (Tascam or

Recording a good distortion

I'm recording distortion guitar tacks and am trying to get it to sound smoother, I've tried eq'ing and compression but it's still sounding rough and edgy when I'm wanting it smoother, I'm looking for a Trivium style distortion, but it's coming out too rough. I'm double tracking each guitar, am I using too much gain or should it be more compressed? HELP PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


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