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Moving on from Digi 001 days... what to do?

Hi, I have very basic knowledge of recording gear, so bought the Digi 001 and Pro Tools LE for my Mac many years ago, which I find very easy to use. I also have a RODE NTK mic. As the years have passed, the Digi 001 has become non-compatible with Mac OS x and pro tools updates, so I'm now looking at updating my gear, but not necessarily in the Digidesign range.

Drum maps


I been googling around and I'm finding v.little on how to make your own drum maps. I been wanting to learn how to do it for ages now but I have never found a v. straight forward step by step...

Can any one point me in the right direction ? I have so many drum samples yet to use lol

Hope you can help me :)

MIDI Drum track records onto analog track. Please help!

Hi there, I'm a rank amateur and fairly new to this malarky, having previously used such astounding high-endsoftware such as PCDJ and the Windows Sound Recorder... I recently decided to upgrade and am now struggling to get to grips with Cakewalk Sonar 7, which may well have been the costliest mistake I have ever made! The problem is this:

Volume consistency in a bar

Hi Folks…

I’m wondering if you all can help me figure this out for a friend of mine.

My friend owns a bar and uses a jukebox for the music. The jukebox is loaded with all different types of music and the problem is that he cannot get a consistent volume. If someone plays an older song the volume is too low and the newer songs are way too high and blow everyone out.

Any way to get samples off Yamaha S90?

I am tracking a pianist for a band who loves the sound of one of his samples on the S90, and I am tracking midi and audio. I'll end up cleaning up the performance with the midi, but once he leaves I won't have the samples to trigger. How can I (if possible) get the samples off of his keyboard into my computer. It has a USB connection...


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