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Sound Reflection

This doesn't apply to the studio so much in my case because I'm a field recordist but is there a list some where of the amount of sound reflection of surfaces (of all kinds) ? I recorded some heavy equipment today and later I realized that part of the reason the sound was as loud as it was is because the machines were surrounded on three sides by three store brick buildings.

Reputable Online Educational Videos Links Realted to Acoustics/Engineering

Hey all!

Thought this would be good for me, and hopefully a lot of people. As I look further into the massive amounts of literature, and grow increasingly interested in the more academic and theoretical aspects of music, it's become clear that I can't just absorb therotical physcial concepts, or circuit design, without a better understanding of the math and sciences.

My new studio

After what seemed like never ending renovations, here are some pictures of my new studio. I am happy with the outcome, although I am still waiting for my door and door frame to arrive so I cannot measure the sound proofing yet. Although now my wife can watch TV right above my studio which she could not do before.