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Phase Cancellation Problem

Hi all, Sunday i've finished the acoustic treatment in my home studio and everything seemed to play properly, but when I sat down at the listening position I noticed a phase cancellation on the low.
From the measurements there's a hole of -10db at 63 and 66Hz
I followed all the directions to the acoustic treatment, but this thing I do not know how to handle it.

listening position for home surround sound system

hey all, I'm setting my home theater systems back up after dealing w mold and rebuilding the rooms in the basement. this is purely for entertainment purposes no critical listening, other that just double checking how mixes translate, but purely for fun, movies video games, etc.

Need help in treating my home-studio


I am currently trying to adjust the acoustics in my home-studio (mainly for mixing) and need your help to sort out some issues!
It's a 2,30m x 3,70m room (yes, it's metric, please continue reading) with carpet on the floor (about 2-3cm).
Cieling is about 2,40m high. It also has a small space after the door:

Newbie Control Room Acoustic Treatment help

Hello everyone, my name is Gianluca and I'm writing from Italy.
I turned a basement into a recording studio, but I need a hand to the acoustic treatment.
Floor, ceiling and walls are covered with wood. Under the wood there is a layer of lead, polystyrene and moisture resistant material.
The dimensions are:
Length: 4m
Width: 2.56mt
Height: 2.7 meters

New Studio Design. To go with option A or option B?

I'm building a new studio in my basement and have the option between having one big room for tracking and mixing or a separate smallish room for mixing and decent size room for tracking. What option would you guys do?
It would be nice to have a separate control room but for the space I have to work with, the control room width would only allow about one foot on