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compression on vocals


Hello all,
I am tracking some vocals and have been trying to figure out how to set my compression. The singer's volume has lots of fluctuation in it due to his style, so I want to be careful not to over-compress the signal before putting it to disk. This is the setup I am using: (now don't laugh please, this is the best I can afford at the moment...)

Vocals Under Nuendo


Hi? I have yet anotha ? Under Nuendo after I record a vocal into the program, I compress the vocal with Nuendo Dynamics 2 plugin at 3:1:1, then I use the SPL De Esser to de ess at the maximum level, then I use the SPL Denoiser to denoise at setting A, am i going in the right direction to getting a "clear vocal"? Should I use BBE Sonic Maximizer to boost the vocal? If so wut settings?

warm up exercise for the vocalist


A singer I know and respect has suggested, as a warm up exercise for the vocalist I work with, 30 seconds. . barking. I am to join in as well. So that we both feel silly, freeded up and the stomach gets relaxed (v.important for performance). It also takes the pressure off the singer if I do it too. I think it's a good idea.

I'll try it this week and let you know how it goes.

awsome vocals fxs


wassup everybody! i know this has been discussed many times but since vocals r such an important part of a mix i wanted 2 know how everyone's processing the vocals ? as 4 me, 1 of the things we do is use DMX 2 mix in -3cent n +3cent w/vox n then put 480 reverb on it, etc... which brings up this question. Is there an alternative to the DMX 4 doing this which will give equal quality results?


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