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Drum recording tips needed for a small tracking booth


I'm about to record a drum kit. Since my tracking room is a small one (2.0 m wide 5.0 m long 2.5 m high) there's no other chance than placing the kick drum so close to the wall.

What kind of problems may occur in this situation and what are your recommendations to overcome.


Please Help

ok, here's the deal. I have had a home studio for awhile now, and I am finally able to open a real studio, I want to get all new equipment and have a real proffessional set up. I would really appreciate some opinions on everything that I should get and am gonna need. I want to be able to record any & every genre of music, so live bands, hip hop, acoustic, whatever.

Mic closet recommendations


Here's a list that I decided to compile that may help those of you who are asking what are the "studio standards" when it comes to mics. These are the ones I think are a a bare minimum requirement, the "must have" to run a respectable project or professional studio. The up side is this is a complete "wish list" which should serve almost any pop production house.

Small diaphragm condensers for guitar and drums OH

Hi everyone,

I've been looking for a pair of small diaphragm condensers that would work well with an acoustic guitar and for drums overheads.

Some people have suggested the SM81's for me. Any alternatives I should consider? They are within my budget, no problem, but I wonder if they are the best option (they seem to be a studio staple around here).


Condensers for overheads under $200 US

I am trying to find a set of overheads with similar characteristics to the Audio technica AT4041's but for a lot less dosh. A set of Studio projects C4's perhaps? Any ideas or new products that fit profile would be most helpfull. I am having hell trying to get Mics on loan so I can have a listen.

Thanks Guys

What's better than sm57 on snare?

I'm getting less than optimal results with my sm57... I know everybody loves them but what's better? I've been using a condenser on the snare because the sm57 lacks enough clarity and crack to cut through the mix(yeah, yeah, I know change it at the source.. 3 snares later i change the mic!) But now I need something with more body too. any suggestions? anybody use the Audix D1?