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Cubase Automation and Forum Groups

I am not a Cubase user yet, still doing some research.

I am coming from a PT LE environment and I am wondering about the automation capabilites of Cubase. I would imagine that they are at least comprable to PT but I would like to hear some feedback.

I am also particularly interested in Plugin automation which is quite easy to execute in PT.

editing automation in Cubase sx

sorry guys I'm sure this is simple, but i cant figure out how to edit automation lines on multiple subtracks at once, like since i have so many drum tracks i want them all to do the same thing how do i do that in an easy fashion without having to literally do the same things on each and every one of them?

thanks if anyone can help

Help Getting Mute Automation Working ?

I'm in the process of getting the mute automation on my console working. I'm using an Allen & Heath Saber 24x16 and it has a built in midi mute automation processor. I'm currently using a 24 track setup. I primarilly use a 1"-16 track, and I use SMPTE to/from a BRC to sync a 20-bit ADAT to my tape machine.