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Clean Hard Beating Bass drum

Hey i'm new here.. just needed to ask a question.. i am creating a lot of music myself... mostly alternative rockmetal.. but a friend of mine wants me to create some hip hop beats for him.. and i've made some that he likes alot.. but i have problems with getting the bassdrum sound tight and hard.. it always has to much bass or to little bass..

'Double Mic' the Bass Drum?


I have recently come across something. I have recently made my own "experimental" mics and one is very good at picking up high and mid frequencies and the other (being of large diaphragm make) picks up the lower frequencies. Individually these mics would be terrible at Micing the bass drums, however, I placed the both mics in the bass drums and it produces an excepional sound.

Effects on bass drum to get that sound...

Hey, I was wondering if anyone can help me with something. (Besides tuning the drum [I already have, well] ) What is a good way to achieve that metalcore/hardcore sound on the bass drum? A good example of this is Jordan Mancino's drums on As I Lay Dying's last two albums. I love how they sound and work in the songs. What would I have to do to get a sound like that?