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Best Products / Low budget - PC set up

Im on a really tight budget (250 - 500) and I've been doing a lot of research and it sounds to me like my best bet is the following three pieces of equipment:

1. multitrack Mixing software (download free)
2. PCI card (best sound per $ (vs. USB/firewire))
3. multi track connected directly into card (record 2 guitar, 1 bass, 2 vocal, drums)

BUILDING Studio- No Experience Need Help! $8000+ budget

I am building a home studio and need some advice on what pieces to buy. I need the computer, DAW, FM synth, audio interface, studio effects, guitar effects, instrument mic, large cardoid mic, a guitar, drum software which is compatible to be played with a Roland Vdrum series TD-3, a tube compressor and accessories.
So far, what I've got is:

Budget Studio Monitors?

Hey all,

I'm looking for a decent pair of studio monitors for some home recording. Are there any budget options that would help my setup sound good?

I'm using Tracktion 3 for my DAW and have an M-Audio ProFire 610.

I'm mainly recording electric guitar out of my amp and I will be adding more tracks with live instruments and some software synths.

After few years of budget gear...

I would like to sell my budget gear and make some money for better budget gear ... Possible? Stupid?

I'm only tracking, not mixing or mastering involved, mostly minimalist recordings with just few mics, sometimes just one mic for each instrument including drums.

I would like to slightly improve tracking.

here what I have:


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