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compressor or sonic mazimizer?

I'm trying to figure out what to buy next, and I'm trying decided to buy a BBE 482i Sonic Maximizer, or a decent compressor/limiter for around the same price. I'm looking for something that is versitile for recording and can be used for live sound. I was wondering which you think i should get first to help improve out sound a little.


Vocal Compressor / De-esser help please...


I would like to find a nice warm compressor to use for vocals, but also one with a de-esser so I don't have to multi-band that out in post. Is that something that is usually combined? Or is that something that needs to be a separate piece of equipment?

If I get a multi-band compressor, does it still have an overall compressor that is not band-specific?

Newbie needs compressor tips

Hay people I'm a newbie in mixing so i need your help with compressing. I readed a lot of books, and they have nice explanations how to eq, or use deley... but with compressors its a diferent story, they just say put comp. here and there and thats it, maybe they explain whot is ratio and all that but its still doesent mean nothing to me when i dont know how to use it...