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Best Eq,Compressor,gate,limiter plugin for VST

I would like some opinion on what plugins are the best that suites vst, meaning, I have all the wave plugins but I only use the q10, which I think it is not bad, LinMB which squashes the creap out of things, L2 which is great for rms peak, but if anyone has any other thoughts on other plugins that work better I am open to suggestions.

Thank you very much.

number of compressor/limiter problems

ok ive had preamp and compressor problems in the past
thanks everyone for all the help on that.

ok well i have an Alesis 3630, and its givin me a number of problems
and I'm guessing this a common, easy problem since I'm new to compressors/limiters.

its cuttin off my vocals and giving me that "breathing/huffing" effect.
now thats when i put my output up.

rnc digital distortion?

just brought home a new Really Nice Compressor. plugged my bass into it then into a bass pre into my amp. first way i'll use it, so tried that first. whenever compression is triggered i hear what sounds like digital distortion. it is connected to left (mono) in and left out by 1/4'' instrument cables. do i return it or am i to blame? thanks.