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Pre & Compressor...

I need your help on this : I only have 250 (max. 300) EUR for a mic preamp with phantom AND a compressor (dual channel would be good, but not a neccesity), and what I came up until now is :

dbx 286 A - dbx 286 A microphone preamp / processor, single-channel, preamp, 48V phantom power, de-esser, enhancer, compressor, expander-gate -> 239 EUR

Best Preamp and Comp for vocals with a u87ai


I'm considering a Neve 1073, and a UA 1176LN compressor. Any idea how this signal path would sound with a u87ai on vocals. Recording mainly rap, reggae and r&b vocals.

Any recomendations for the u87 mic? preamps or comps.

I currently use the Avalon 737sp. I got some extra cash now and i know i can get something a lot better out there.
honest advice please.

Connecting PreAmp to Compressor

I am trying to connect my mic (RODE K2) to my PreAmp (The Brick) into my Compressor (RNC) into my Digi002.

Here's where I'm not sure what to do...

The output from the Brick is balanced (XLR). The RNC however only takes in unbalanced inputs. So how do I unbalance my connection so I can use these two peices of gear together?