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Digi002/outboard compressor question

IF I want to add compression with an outboard compressor post tracking, do I *HAVE* to run the line out of digi002 to the compressor and back into a new track in Protools?

OR is there a way to insert the compressor into the signal chain of the pro tools track and bypass(or not) at will similar to plugins?


Plug In Compressors vs Hardware Compressors

I am fairly new to the whole home studio 'thing' but as a musician I have spent plenty of time in Studios. My questions are about compression. I currently have a number of compressor plug in's (UAD-1, Waves, Wave Arts and Focusrite D2/D3) which in many cases attempt to imitate a hardware counterpart. Unfortunately, I do not have the hardware versions handy to make the necessary comparisons.


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