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Low End Frequency issues with my RNC!

OK - I finally broke down and bought an RNC based on all the rave reviews in and about this site. I tested the unit out on my Drum Bus - There was an immediate and very noticeable hype in the high-endand the low end all but dissappeared. Anyone else have this same expereience? I know enuf to understanding that different settings will have an effect on freq.

Software compressor or Hardware compressor?

I was using the Reason 3.0 Mastering suite last night and I must tell you guys that it is amazing! I don't know if you really need a hardware compressor. I know Reason can't do audio but you can always export a file from a program like Cubase as an audio file and then load it into the Reason sampler and then use the compressor (or M-class mastering suite).

Stereo Limiter/Compressor for master buss and stereo input

I've heard a lot of different limiters used on the master (Manley being my favorite) but I'd like to know if anyone here is using that same limiter or compressor on let's say drum OH's. This does not by any means have to be a Manley, and under $2500 would be preferable.
