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Compressors/EQ Before or after it's been recorded ?

Hi Guys, ok here's the deal. I already ordered some high quality mic preamps and external analog compressors. I wanted to know if you pros out there add the analog compressors and eq while recording straight into your DAW ? or Do you record the siganl clean then add the compressors later ?

Compressor purchase

I am currently looking to purchase a stereo compressor/limiter. So far, the short list is for the AMEK 9098DCL, Avalon AD2044, and Manley Vari-Mu. I am primarily working with rock, acoustic, country and light jazz genres. Please let me know your thoughts and experiences with any or all of these, as I am in need of making a decision soon. Thanks very much for your help.


preamp and compressor

Ok I've been reading a lot on RO with regards to preamps and compressors. I am pretty set on getting a Focusrite ISA 428 for the front end of my daw. @ $1600 it doesn't leave me much room for buying a compressor, so I think I want the RNC 1773 to go with it. One day I would like to get a red 3 compressor, but right now I'm just about spent up.
Anyways, any thoughts?