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My Computer.

Well, my computer is needed again! This time for the Apogee AES show booth to show off the Native Tools Bundle! For that I bit the bullet and bought a P4 2.0A Ghz processor to get some more jiuce out of it since I will be adding a TC Power Core card as the system will include an RME 9652, UAD, TC Power Core and a FireWire card. of course no SCSI! ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Computer based Sample Conversion

Ok, seems simple enough. I have a ton of samples I need to convert. The MAIN thing I'm looking for for something that converts AIF (or SDII) files to a file the MPC3000 will read on a zip disk. I tried the "Export Selected As" in Pro Tools to no avail. Does anyone know of a be all, end all program for audio file conversion mac or p.c. (mac prefered)?