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How to get Rock drum & bass sound?

I try to record and mix and I basically suck at it.
it must be some magic formula.

example - nivana nevermind or soundgarden -
how do they get that big punchey in your face snare and kick sound?

are they eqing the hell out of it?
i thought eq was a no no - you're suppose to get the suond up front to avoid phase problems.

Kick drum vs Bass

I usually, have the kickdrum on the lower frequency spectrum of the song, then the bass in most rock/pop music. I've do this very well. But lately I've been listening to some recordings were the bass is lower, and then is the kick drum, like the last U2 record. And I was wondering how do you get a clear bass and kick this way, any techniques? I'd like some imput on this.

drum overhead panning

i was wondering how you guys pan the drum overheads. i had always done a hard left/right pan with the overheads until i read an article recently that suggested a tighter spacing made for a more realistic soundstage (something like 10 and 2 o'clock).

what does everyone else do? do you pan differently based on how you mic'ed the kit (xy vs spaced pair)?

- neil

Powerful drum sound ever!

Hi everyone,

I was recording a drum track last night at my studio and the craziest thing happened!

First let me explain that I play all the instruments and do all the producing/recording/engineering myself, so as you can imagine at times getting a good track can take quite a lot of time (sometimes up to 8 hours with no accomplished result!)