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E.A.S. (editing acquisition syndrome)

Man am I on a role this week!

How many of us are suffering from Editing Acquisition Syndrome ( E.A.S.)

How many times have we killed the mix from too much ability?

I have and I now know when to leave it.
I think the next decade of recording is going to focus on quality more than G.A.S. P.A.S. and now E.A.S.!

Looking for digital recorder with on the fly editing capabilities.

I'm looking for a digital recorder for use with dictation that allows for editing/insertion without the need to go to a computer. That is, I wish to be able to record something, then play it back, and at a point in the playback that I choose, press a button which allows me to insert a new section in the middle of the previous recording.

Which audio editing program for PC?

I'm on a budget and am looking for a great audio/music editing program for my PC. Which would you choose? I'm just a beginner with recording and won't be doing a whole lot of it. I usually do live sound for events and outreaches. So, I don't really need anything top of the line. I know how to use Logic, but I don't have a Mac.