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Question about The Brick.

I was considering picking one of these up because I can get it really cheap. My question is. can you drive the tube to the point of distortion for metal vocals like you can with other tube units? Since it only has one knob I wasn't sure.

Overall would it be a good buy for $300 cash out the door? In my tracking sessions I was going to use it for the following:

TL or Brick ?

TL Audio C-1, 2 channel Mic Pre/Compressor or Groove Tubes Brick. Which one would you pick & why? I have the chance to buy either for about the same money (around $300.00). but cannot aford both. I already own the Groove Tubes Ditto & like it a lot. I have a nice selection of mics (Ribbons, Dynamics & Condensers).

Brick vs. . RNP

I went out today looking for a new pre and would like some input on these products. First, I"m looking for bugget gear and what I"ll come down to is the Brick or the RNP. Both products have good names in the ind. The RNP is going for about 80.00 more than the Brick. Is it worth the extra money? Is there any major diff. between the two?


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