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cable recommendation for recording guitar directly in

hi guys, i recently purchased a Lynx Two A sound card and SCA preamps. I am looking to record some guitars using Guitar Rig, but just wanting to know what cable i should be looking at to achieve the best signal.

Problem i am having is that the all of the inputs (whether it be the Lynx Card or SCA pres) are XLR.

thanks for ur help.

recording tricks of 1980's, MPC 60 sync fireface 800 to DAW vocals and guitar


Man do I need help here. I've tried to get used to using keyboards for creating drum track and I can't stand how slow and lame it is. I have excellent sounds, but the whole keyboard midi drum creation sucks to me. I am by no means a novice at programming. I earned a serious living in the 80's programming drums using Linn and MPC 60's.

LaChapell Audio 992EG for acoustic guitars

I'm looking at different preamps for recording acoustic guitars. This looks like a serious contender. Has anyone here had the opportunity to try the LaChapell Audio 992EG? Place a couple of Royer ribbons with it and the sound is pristine. I've read this is one kick ass pre. sure looks well made.

What else compares?


Guitar and Dobro pickups

A guitarist in one of my bands is looking to get pickups installed in his Martin D-28 and Wechter Rob Ickes dobro. Strictly for live use, of course. He's researching this, but I thought I throw it out here for opinions. We have a good acoustic guitar tech around here who could do anything that he and I could not do, so installation isn't a problem.