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Fundamental concepts of acoustic guitar recording- one, two or more mics?


Is there any overwhelming advantage to recording acoustic guitar with two or more mics? As a general principle, would better engineer's prefer that everything come together on one mic, or would they prefer to have two or more sources to work with?

Setup to record guitar only

I am starting to build amps, and I would like to record how they sound. I am mainly building high gain amps, with metal in mind. I currently use a Peavey Valveking cab (ugh, getting a cab with V30s soon), a Shure SM58 into an XLR to 1/4 inch adapter (quality loss) into my laptop's mic in. Running Ubuntu Loonix, using Audacity. Using a Schecter Damien FR with EMG 81/60.

Acoustic Guitar pick up doesn't work on the interface

Recently I decided to record some acoustic tracks in n-track, and while my pick up seems to work on my amp it won't even pick up the sound on my interface and barely on my boss br-1200. The pick up is Dean markley. I think it might not meet some type of weird power requirement kinda of like a phantom powered mic, but then again I'm new to this.

trouble recording guitar & need advice- timing/ tracking related

I am struggling to get this guitar track down correctly, it is mostly finger picking patterns in a 7/8 time signature. It is around 5-6 minutes long but I have been attempting to break it up into 3 parts though I still find it difficult to stay on time with the metronome though.


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