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Metalcore guitar recording volume levels? please help!

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I have a metalcore band and I'm a bit doubtful about the guitar volume levels and their distribution when recording metal...

The thing is one person said one guitar has to have a higher volume than the other guitar when doing rhytm, i.e. when both guitars are playing the same riff, so the sound doesnt get distorted...

Guitar ukulele equipment chain question.

For my school, I just bought a Line6 Spider IV 75-watt amp. It is solid state. What would happen if I put the Groovetubes Brick in front of it as a tube pre-amp?

I use a dimarzio acoustic pickup on the inside of my acoustic uke. I plugged my baby into the amp, and there was LOTS of feedback at even low levels on the amp. would using a DI box help remedy this or no?

Copy/paste or re-record the guitar

I'm recording guitars in a few weeks, which will be high distortion guitars in a prog metal song.

What I've done in the past is I always pan one track hard L and other hard R.
Sometimes I've copied and pasted parts between tracks (when I'm lazy) and sometimes I've recored the same thing on each track.

Remember I'm talking about both guitars playing the same thing.