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Guitar stressssss

Okay, let me explain - I'm helping my friend who is an amazing singer produce songs that me and her have written. One of them is intended to be an upbeat pop/rock song and I basically wrote it so that there is an occasional heavy amped pop guitar and then theres a more softer lighter one thats playing like eight notes throughout much of the song.

Fixing stripped guitar bridge screw holes

A guitar that I am working on won't stay together XO. The screws that hold the faceplate/bridge down aren't doing their job because they have apparently been removed several times and the threads are completely worn down. I looked into wood filler and actually purchased some, but I'm thinking buying longer screws might be an easier fix. Has anyone dealt with this before?

Program that can transform guitar sound

I have a G-Track USB microphone that I also use to plug my acoustic-electric guitar into. Is there a program that I can install on Vista that will allow me to sound like I'm playing different instruments when I'm playing my guitar? E.g., play note C on guitar and it will sound like different types of guitar, piano, trumpet, mandolin, etc.



Curently i have a fender blues deville 4x10 from 1994. I record using a sm57, into a firestudio project to my software. My amp sounds pretty good when i play with it live in overdive..but when i record just sounds weak and fuzzy. I have about 1500 to spend, Would i be better off with a great preamp like a groove tubes SuPRe, or would i be better off getting a mesa boogie amp.