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Tonehunter - guitar tone customizing

I'm an old school guitarist of thirty some years used to an amp, a Morley volume/wah and a couple of pedals have done me fine.

A distributor friend of mine turned me onto this company today. After buzzing around the site, I'm impressed. Germany really has a lot of quality designers. Good on them!

Check them out:

What's the Term for Changing Basic Straight in Guitar Sound

I have Ableton's Live version 5.2.2., and what I want is to record guitar straight in then change the sound to mimic different types of amps, both clean and distorted so I can take my pick. For awhile I was under the impression that I needed virtual instruments, but now I'm thinking that that's not the proper term for what I'm trying to describe, a little help here so I know how to search?

recording classical guitars

hey all!

I will be recording a classical guitar trio and I need your guys' input and help. I want this to sound great for them so i'm trying to do my research now. While i was studying recording i spent most time on recording popular music rather than classical, which is why i need help. I need help in choosing Mics and placement.

Removing static from guitar tracks

I have a very nice acoustic guitar track that I put down, but it has a small 1 or 2 second segment with some intermittent static (I think it came from the pickup jack).

I can easily re-record it, of course, but I'd really like to know how I can clean it up. What would be the technique for getting rid of static from a music track?
