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Software compressor or Hardware compressor?

I was using the Reason 3.0 Mastering suite last night and I must tell you guys that it is amazing! I don't know if you really need a hardware compressor. I know Reason can't do audio but you can always export a file from a program like Cubase as an audio file and then load it into the Reason sampler and then use the compressor (or M-class mastering suite).

Hardware Sequencer versus Computer Software Sequencing

Does anyone know of a good drum machine and sequencer for piano and guitar. Hardware that is. I have a EMU 0404 card and software installed in my computer, but I keep getting crashes, so I am having a hard time trying to transfer CD's from my DAW recorder, 8 track, to my computer software, which is a Cubase software program and a Patchmix mixer.

Inexpensive hardware reverb needed

I need a cheap (<$200) hardware reverb for live acoustic guitar and voice. I just bought an Alesis Nanoverb for $50. Turned out to be WAY too cheap. Sounds not much better than the Radio Shack reverb I had in 1983.

How about the cheap Lexicon models? Sound OK? I'm not too demanding; I just need a decent Hall or Plate that doesn't sound like a tin can, man.



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