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Prepping for Mastering

I'm completing a music project that will be mastered here in Philly at Masterworks. I have a meeting with the mastering engineer on July 9th to discuss the project and listen to a few roughs before going to final mix tweaking. What kind of prep work should I do? What kind of questions should I be thinking of asking? What can I do at this stage to help the success of the project?

Stereo Compressor "mastering"

Looking for a new compressor for "home" mastering-So nothing above $2k --so maybe in the price range of $ early EMT,Altec,Urei,Orban, dbx all seem to be in that price...on the new front Buzz, Alesis CLX 440, SPL,Dramer_____ maybe wait for a used Avalon 747, Manley, Cranesong,,,probably never in that price range andworking . so whats a poor boy to do?


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