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HELP! with mixing and mastering in Pro Tools

What's up, I am almost finished recording my rap album in Pro Tools LE with the standard plugins that came with it. I am now trying to mix down my recordings. I have my track faders where I want them, and now I just want to mix it down. I know that I am supposed to make the master fader's indicator jump and high as it can without clipping, right?

mastering, which is first, eq or compression?

i know there is probably no right or wrong answer. but when mastering a stereo track through hardware which is better from those of have the experience, eq then compress, or compress than eq?

i am experimenting on mastering to a 1/2" tape machine, and wanted to know my best hardware or software routing for a final dump down.


Questions on Mastering with PEAK 4, TRACKS-24 or UAD-1 or al



I am new to DAW recording. I have the following gear and set up and am guilty of buying a bunch of stuff before i knew what all it was. I understand this will irritate some here but please know I have been reading the manuals, testing things out etc etc

Ok I have

MAC G5 1.8 dual, with 160 Gig HD and another 250 Gig WD internal on the way.

I have

All hail Joe Lambert, the high lord of mastering..


Finally got to get a good listen to my tune submitted to Joe for mastering.
GOOD LORD is that the same tune I recorded in my meager home studio? Sounds sweet & gigantic!
I really expected my limitations to hamper the overall outcome, but seriously folks it sounds awesome..
I'll be posting the before and after here this weekend
Thanks Joe..
