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Mastering poorly mixed tracks


I was wondering what techniques people might have to opening up a track that has been poorly mixed (everything is dead center)and has no stereo image)during the mastering process. I do have the vocal tracks because i recorded them myself so any techniques for mixing vocals to create a wide stereo image of the vocals would be helpful.

Thank you for your time,

Mastering techniques for combatting distant miking


This is my first post, so go easy on me.

First off, I realize now after reading the 1st five pages of the mastering forum that I am nowhere (and won't soon be) near a proper mastering setup and for that matter I am questioning the foundation with which I have built this studio up to be (another thread), but all this is not the point.

Best or Worst Mastered Albums?


Besides the albums mentioned on Bob Katz's site ( what are some really well done or really BADLY done albums that people are listening to or staying away from for the total content including mastering? I know for example that the Red Hot Chili Peppers album "Californication" is probably the loudest CD ever done.

mastering question


ok first id like to say I’m not looking for full 100 percent mastering but rather acceptable project mastering to use for demo work/song writing I’m really getting irritated at the inconsistency and overly compressed audio of today id like my levels as hot as they were in the early 90s where the mastering volume "by volume here I mean actually loudness as aposed to apparent loudness" was cut of