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How do you improve imaging in mastering?


I see that mastering engineers are able to improve imaging on mixes. I was wondering what methods are used to accomplish this goal. If I had to guess, I imagine reclocking would be helpful- right? I suppose jitter would be the enemy of excellent imaging. Although, what is foreign to me is how mastering engineers are able to improve the imaging while only working with the 2 channel mix.

What would a Pro Mastering Job do for my Recording?


I'm currently in the process of tracking and mixing a 7 song CD. But when I'm done with it, I'm not sure if I should master it myself, or spend the extra money to send it off and have a real pro master it.

So here's a mastering job I did of one of my peliminary mixes. I guess my basic question is how much better would it sound if it was done by real mastering engineer?

Help! Problems mastering to vinyl!


Hi guys. I am having problems with a mastering suite. My master is on DAT and when they master to vinyl the sound is all distorted, mainly the vocals. They inform me that this is my fault because I have used certain processing on the vocals that do not work with vinyl. All I have used on the vocals are a Focusrite Voicemaster Pro with compressor, harmonics and tube sound all built in.