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Stupid mastering studio question..


I've never actually been in a "real" mastering studio--my only link to them being somewhere that I FedEX a CD to and a couple of weeks later get a CD back that sounds a whole heck of a lot better. I have seen many of photos of notable mastering facilities in the likes of Mix magazine and others that make me curious about one thing...

Waves platinum and mastering

does anyone here master their tracks with the Wavesplatinum bundle? I'm not interested in mastering my own tracks professionally(no training, and professional mastering much better), I'm just curious as to the procedure or the order of plugins you use in order to achieve a better sound... i want to play around and see what i can learn but i have nowhere to start.

Best mastering converters?

Hi all,

i want your opinion about the best sounding ad da converters on the market these days ?

i'm a recording mastering engineer and i'm using outboard gear (tube eq's and compression) when i master and i'm using the RME ad's and they are good converters,i am satisfied with their results in recordings, but in mastering they are ok,i'm sure there are better ones


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