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studio design: sum bus vs digital/analog mixer

Hey guys, I (conservatively) have about $5000-$6500 to work with. I am going to overhaul the way I work in my studio. First of all, character of sound is very important to me. I think some things should sound "warm" or "gritty" or "electronic" etc... depending on the situation so I want some flexibility.

Will Eurorack UB502 mixer help to solve my problem?

Hi everyone,

My problem is I am looking for a way to hook up my headphones to my audiophile 2496 sound card and produce/mix music at late nites, when I won't disturb anyone with noise.

My friend suggest that I should buy a cheap mixer, like Eurorack UB502 and run the audiophile 2496 soundcard to the small mixer, which has enough connections for my monitors and headphone.

Bypassing the mixer preamps

Hi, I know this has been discussed here before so I ask for your indulgence. I'm trying to a Mackie 12 channel mixer as a patchbay- plugging my Avalon m5, API, Focusrite, Neve Portico and maybe an old Joemeek down to two inputs into my OO2.
I've read about someone, maybe Kurt bypassing the preamps in his Mackie when heading ito his DAW,
Am I on the wrong track?

Live recording with a multitrack and mixer?

Hi. I have a BOSS BR-864 multi-track recorder. It's an 8-track with one XLR input and one 1/4" jack input. I also have an 8-channel mixer with a Main Out, a Control Room Out, FX Send, Tape Out/Tape In, and Phones jacks. I also have a few microphones, monitors, a preamp, a DI box, and a compressor.

Soundcraft Compact 10 Recording Mixer - i need opinions!

hi guys!

i've been using this Compact 10 Recording Mixer from Soundcraft for a year and i think i love all its recording-friendly features in it as well as its sound quality.
I'm thinking of getting another one that has more output channels but i really don't wanna stop using this lovely baby :).

Alesis MultiMix 8USB Mixer and Behringer B-CONTROL AUDIO BCA

Ive just brought the Alesis MultiMix 8USB Mixer for £119 from a local store anyways they said i could take it back if i wanted to but i quite like it its the first time ive had anything like it and i only brought it so i could use my Shure MS58S microphone because of its phantom power.

I bought an unknown mixer

I bought a mixer for $75 while i was on vacation in Newport, Oregon and i dont know anything about it. Its an 8 channel mixer that looks like it is something that would be used mostly for live shows but it doesnt have the power amps or anything just the normal builtin preamps. It says Richmond Sound Design at the top of it and so i looked it up and found nothing for it.

anyone know an ADAT mixer?

I have myself an ADAT sound card...
but i have no mixer to go with it...
main objective here is to get 8 channels of sweet drumming onto the computer as 8 seperate tracks of sweet drumming instead of bouncing the tracks down to 1 mono unmixable channel :)

problem is .. i can't find any 8 channel mixers with ADAT on them..
anyone know of any