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Simple mixing question about pop-punk music

Hey I just finished recording a pop-punk song. I am pretty new to all this recording stuff. So what would be the best way to go about mixing it (example: lead guitar 10% to left...etc) I would like it to have roughly some what of the same kind of mix as Blink-182. I am using bass, drums, rythm guitar track, lead guitar track, vocal track,and an organ track for the bridge.

Mixing Down In Sonar 6 PE

When i mix down In Sonar 6 PE my final Mix down tone goes up and down. on play back thru Sonar everything sounds great. i'm mixing 26 tracks of audio with effects (eq, reverb, etc) down to a wave file. i think it is my processor but the indicator shows 20% cpu usage and 10 hard disk. i run a amd sempron 2800 with 2 gigs of ram my audio from guitar and bass record fine

Monitors for mixing/mastering

I have not been using proper monitors for mixing and master I have been using creative gaming speakers. I feel that if I buy a pair of nice studio monitors made for mixing I wil get better results in my efforts. Can anyone recommend some monitors to check out? I would ideally like to spend no more than $150, unless I am just wasting my money.

Vocal Effects, Mixing techniques.


Hey guys, I'm planning on recording a new song for my solo project and for the vocals during the verse I want to have my voice sound different, like with an effect on it. The type of sound I want is like what Billie Joe's voice sounds like on the verses of American Idiot, it sounds like it has some reverb and maybe a little bit of a like megaphone sound.