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Preparing song for mixing.. how to deal with reverb?

Hi, the mixer wants wave files of all the instruments, but the problem is, they all go through the same reverb. This mix is not final, but a short demo for a label, so I won't go as far as making separate tracks for every instrument's reverb.

Is this:

track 1: snare + reverb
track 2: hi hat + reverb
track 3: synth + reverb

same as this?

event monitors for tracking/mixing

Hi all! I know these won't fit the "exclusive pro" standard, but how would you rate the event 20/20 bas V2? I've heard the old ones, but not the new. I allways thought the oldies deserved a second look, they weren't all flat but, once you got to know them, and to know how they handled lo freqs, mixes would translate very well. So I'm curious about the new ones...


mixing outdoors

With as much as I have read on the importance of one's room and its affect on monitoring, I have a question. Would it be advisable to take your monitors out on your back porch outside and mix a song? You wouldn't have to worry about sound bouncing back at you. Lets assume that for the sake of argument here that you live out in the country and its really quiet.

Question about adding outboard gear when mixing

A couple of weeks ago I received my Apogee AD-16X from mercenary. In a week or so I'll be ordering the DA-16X. I hear a lot in the forums that engineers like to record everything as unprocessed as possible so when its time to mix they'll add the compressors, EQ, effx, etc. I plan on mixing "Outside the box" by using a SPL Mixdream Summing device.

I need help with a mixing / summing soution.

Hello again all.

I am trying to figure out what would meet my mixing requirements.

The gap I'm trying to fill is the following:

Mics -> Hardy M1 (3 channel) and Focusrite Liquid Channel -> LynxTWO cards -> DAW -> LynxTWO cards (DA) ->

GAP for analog mixing and summing solution - insert recommendation here...

Some help with mixing vocals and guitars?


Can some one help me with getting a good mix out of Cubase SE? I'm using that and the MOTU 868 mkII and it works great for recording but I just can't seem to get it mixed down to sound "good".

I was wondering if there was anyone with experience out there, that I could send the file to, and have you put a the effects and everything to it, and then let me know what you did?