Need monitoring solution to mimick ProControl's
Hey, I'm selling my ProControl, and I need to buy a unit that will handle the studio monitoring that the ProControl did. ProControl has 4 stereo inputs, 3 of which could be ganged to monitor 5.1. It controls 3 separate stereo speaker systems (either for one surround monitoring system or 1 main stereo, 1 alt stereo, and aux). It also has a talkback section. So...
Feedback Loop While Monitoring?
Hi -
Can anyone help me?
I am new to recording and I have a question.
I use Cake 9.0, I have a Card D+ and a Soundcraft (Spirit Folio- Rac
Pac) mixer. Every time I try to listen to tracks while recording a new
part I get an out of phase typoe of sound through my monitors.
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828 on PC need help with monitoring or manual
I bought an 828 from musicians friend's warehouse in Kansas City for a whopping $99 because it had no manuals, software or anything but the unit. I downloaded the win 5.x drivers from motu's site and I've muddled my way through getting nuendo and logic to both work with it, but I'm confused by the monitoring and routing.
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DP Headphone mix / Talkback?
hat is the best way to set up a session using DP and be able to create a headphone mix and a talkback device?
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New product for remote producers talk back/monitor dim.
Check it out:
Sound Card Monitoring and the Digi001
Any ideas as to why I would not be able to monitor on my sound card in Pro Tools? I just set up a Digi001 this last weekend. Everything works fine, except that I can't monitor or audition tracks through my sound card. The only way I can do this is through the headphone jack on the front of the Digi. I'm going to assume that all of the outputs on the back work.
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Monitoring MIDI tracks in DP
Hi chaps
First post and it has to be a dumb question...
I want to monitor my recorded MIDI tracks without having to arm an audio track and therefore end up recording unwanted audio when overdubbing a standard audio track.
I have a feeling i can do this with an AUX routing, but can anyone walk me through this? DP v2.72 w 2408MkII on G4 450
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