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Need monitoring solution to mimick ProControl's

Hey, I'm selling my ProControl, and I need to buy a unit that will handle the studio monitoring that the ProControl did. ProControl has 4 stereo inputs, 3 of which could be ganged to monitor 5.1. It controls 3 separate stereo speaker systems (either for one surround monitoring system or 1 main stereo, 1 alt stereo, and aux). It also has a talkback section. So...

Sound Card Monitoring and the Digi001

Any ideas as to why I would not be able to monitor on my sound card in Pro Tools? I just set up a Digi001 this last weekend. Everything works fine, except that I can't monitor or audition tracks through my sound card. The only way I can do this is through the headphone jack on the front of the Digi. I'm going to assume that all of the outputs on the back work.


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