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Is the Digidesign monopoly over ?

I have been looking into this whole Pro Tools thing and I have come to the conclusion that all the Digidesign hype is exactly that; "Hype". The software is in my opinion antiquated, uncomfortable and limiting, and the hardware is no better than many of the cheaper alternatives; infact in a lot of cases it sounds pretty average in comparison.

Modern mono compatibility


Hey Brad, and all! I know this is a dumb question, but not too long ago a mono version of a stereo mix seemed to contain most all the information. Today there is a noticeable difference in the content when combined mono. Is there a line you won't cross when it comes to spatial enhancement, and what content do you try to preserve in the mono mix? :)

Why does eMagic convert imported stereo files to mono th

...seem to normalize the track volumes?

I import stereo audio and it asks if I want to convert to two mono tracks. Simple enough - it's going into one audio track. The only thing I notice is it seems to normalize the track volumes taking away individual track dynamics...

Am I doing something wrong or going crazy?

zip >>

More detailed and open- Langevin Dual mono or Sytek?

If anyone has hands on with both, which is more detailed? Which would you choose if you could only have one? (not counting the fact that the Sytek is 4 channel). Does the Langevin have a good "iron" sound to it, or is it more transparent?
Also, is the new Great River mp2nv as detailed as the original, or is it way different? Which do you prefer?

Recording Mono drums this weekend

Hi All,

I am recording some drum tracks for my bands demo/CD project this weekend. We are using an 8track recorder, so we can only use one channel for drums. I have a Mackie 1402VLZ-Pro mixer to submix the mics and send to the recorder. It is a Boss BR8 in case you are interested. How would you mic a standard 5 piece kit in this situation?