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Any info on an original (serial #3, 1988) API 3124M ?

So I can pick this up for $1800 from a reputable dealer in NYC. I don't know the history too well but the guy said they were made originally in a very limited quantity, then discontinued until recently at which time different opamps were used. He also said he can hardly hear a difference.

CRane Song HEDD - Original version?

I'd love to own a HEDD, a FATSO, the OXFORD EQ & COMP plugins etc. that everyone is saying are all essential for those of us working in the digital domain. Of course, all that presupposes the mucho bucks that exist only in my fantasies. BUT... I did notice a used original vintage HEDD on sale recently for less than half the price of a new one.

Creating original sounds and signature drums

Creating original sequences isn't the problem nor is sampling because i prefer original music. My question is how to create sounds that are MINE and noone elses. A couple of producer from my area (Timbaland and The Neptunes) have their own signature sound and it didn't take me very long to learn that their sounds don'g come from thousand dollar boxes like the roland mc-307 or mophatt.

Original ELA M 251 vs new 251?


Fletcher, maybe you can shed some light on this for me. I'd like to know what the differences may be between the telefunken elam 251 and the lawson and sounddelux "replicas" I'm not looking for a "which one sounds better" comparison but what might some of the electrical or mechanical differences be. are these new ones exact copies ? are they improved ? ya know, what gives?