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Pro Tools is a digital audio workstation developed and released by Avid Technology for Microsoft Windows and macOS. It is used for music creation and production, sound for picture and, more generally, sound recording, editing, and mastering processes.

Do Pro Tools work with Windows XP, internet explorer 8?

Hello everyone,

I am not sure did I post this thread at the right place, but I require some help.

I bought a MBOX mini 2, which comes with Pro Tool 7.3, 7.3.1 updater and a bunch of plugins.

With windos Xp, service pack 3, internet explorer 8, my Pro tool fails to install.

Pro Tools 9, paired with new Pro Tools|HD Native Hype

Looks like there are some Avid shows around the country. Please tell us what we are missing and/or what everyone who has Pro Tools HD will gain from Pro Tools 9.

I just received this in my mail from AnnexPro. If any of our Vancouver members are going, be lets us know the whole story?