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Best voice-over recorder w/out computer

Voice-over actor. Chain: RODE nt1 to dbx 386s to Tascam dr-40 w input gain at 1. Room: 3x4 closet w acoustic foam. Not using computer to save space, eliminate fan noise. Results are quiet (no hiss or hum) but VOs sound brittle and tinny. Is AD conversion compromised greatly by Tascam? Is there a sub $1K recorder that would improve results?

On the Go MultiTrack Recorder for Android?

Anyone know of a good multitrack recorder for Android which you use? All I have is a basic idea recorder, single track, so I have to hum each part in a linear sequence. Makes it difficult to be creative when you listen to it that way so I'm looking for a good on the go four track or something so I can layer my ideas via humming/singing when I'm out and about.

Reel to Reel recorders

I have, in the past, transferred both vinyl and cassette tape to digital files and I have a frien who asked if I could have some reel-to-reel tapes put on CDs, they are home recordings of her long deceased father, about a dozen 7 inch reels. Since I don't have and have never used reel-to-reel I sought out a local source to do it for me but they are scarce and they are not repsonsive.


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