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Snare problems

I've recently recorded a band who loved the mix, but the drummer was unhappy with the snare sound. Now he's a big guy, with a big kit, and his playing is solid but funky. Very Bonham influenced. Anyway, when we initally discussed the sound they wanted, it was all about getting a huge sound from the kit.

Accidental discovery: snare recording

I'm most likely not the first person to have done this, but I've never heard of a snare being recorded like this. Today I was hastily setting up my drums to record while my parents were at a party. I had to finish before they got back cause they hate the noise. I only had half of my drums at this house: snare, floor tom, and ride. Thats it.

Brushes on jazz snare - tips? help?

I recorded drum tracks for Misty with my jazz group last night. Among several other problems we are having with the song, I'm not really satisfied with the sound of the brushwork on snare. I'm using a SM57 on the top of the snare, NT5 underneath (useless for brushwork) and SM81s for overheads. The overheads pick up a cool sound. Very old school.

snare samples for you

Hi All,

I have always had an enjoyable experience on this site, always been helpful so I thought I'd attempt to make some snare samples to repay people on here. This is the 1st time ive tried this (will do more in future) so I'm not sure if they're usable but as they say, variety is the spice of life. You can never have too many samples i guess!


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